SOLID Principles

SOLID are a set of 5 principles intended to help the developers produce maintenable, readable and flexible code:

  • single-responsibility principle
  • open–closed principle
  • Liskov substitution principle
  • interface segregation principle:
  • dependency inversion principle

Single-Responsibility Principle

The main description of the SRP is often the following: "There should never be more than one reason for a class to change."
Depending on the person describing the principle the interpretation can be different. It is often interpreted as "every class should have only one responsibility." which is a really broad definition that can be difficult to apply in a real environment. I personally prefer the definition given by "Clean Architecture" of Robert Martin. He say that a module should only depend on a given group of person (in a typical company, a group of person may be given by occupations, like marketing, accounting, finance, ...). For instance, a module should have to change only if accounting change the way they are calculating some value of interest, but should never change if marketing change any of their process. This principle is about people.

Code example

Bad implementation
    from dataclasses import dataclass
    from typing import Dict

    import pandas as pd
    from tabulate import tabulate

    # Bad implementation
    class MarketingCampaignResult:
        number_of_publicity: int
        number_of_buy: int

        def total_cost(self) -> int:
            return self.number_of_publicity * 99

        # Will be used to compute the content of the report - used by finance
        def get_cost_detail(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
            total_cost = self.total_cost()
            cost_detail = {
                "creation_cost": [total_cost * 0.25],
                "provider_cost": [total_cost * 0.55],
                "human_ressource_cost": [total_cost * 0.2]
            return cost_detail

        # Will be used to display the report - used by marketing
        def display_report(self) -> float:
            df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.get_cost_detail())
            df.loc[:, "revenue"] = self.number_of_buy * 45

            print(tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))

    marketing_report = MarketingCampaignResult(5, 3)
In the previous implementation, the module mix the way the values of the report are computed, which is a responsability that can be attributed for example to finance or accounting and the way the report is presented, which can be for example the responsability of marketing to show the good results of their marketing campaing to the CEO. A good implementation would be to separate the two "responsability" in different module.
Good Implementation

# Good implementation - Separation in two modules

# Will be used by finance
class MarketingCampaignCost:
    number_of_publicity: int

    def total_cost(self) -> int:
        return self.number_of_publicity * 99

    def get_cost_detail(self) -> Dict[str, int]:
        total_cost = self.total_cost()
        cost_detail = {
            "creation_cost": [total_cost * 0.25],
            "provider_cost": [total_cost * 0.55],
            "human_ressource_cost": [total_cost * 0.2]
        return cost_detail

# Will be used by Marketing
class MarketingCampaignEfficiency:
    cost_detail: Dict
    number_of_buy: int

    def display_report(self) -> float:
        df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(self.cost_detail)
        df.loc[:, "revenue"] = self.number_of_buy * 45

        print(tabulate(df, headers='keys', tablefmt='psql'))

marketing_cost = MarketingCampaignCost(5)
cost_detail = marketing_cost.get_cost_detail()

marketing_report = MarketingCampaignEfficiency(cost_detail, 3)



  • "Clean Architecture: A Craftsman's Guide to Software Structure and Design" by Robert Martin